• MontiArts is an ever growing community. We have loads of opportunities for people who aren’t comfortable calling themselves artists. . We often refer to people in our sphere as creatives. We are for the serious artist and the person wanting to lean in to their creative side…even creatively volunteering to help at our events.

  • In our short history, we have helped provide many paid projects for artists looking for big public art jobs and for those looking to start their career on smaller projects. We also offer opportunities for people to try something for the first time (community builds, open mics, workshops).

  • Yes. MontiArts is a part of the Parks, Arts, and Recreational Department of the City of Monticello. This means that while we do not need to spend much of our time raising funds, we write many grants to pay artists to make Monticello a more beautiful place.

  • As artists and creatives of all sorts, we understand the push and pull of wanting to be involved and not wanting to feel obligated. We provide space to engage and to not engage. With that being said, many of us have found a real sense of creative community through MontiArts in a town where we did not expect to find it.

  • We can be reached through our email at Arts@ci.monticello.mn.us or through the Monticello Arts Initiative page on Facebook/Instagram or hit the little red ‘Contact’ link at the bottom of each page on our website.